magazine phototherapeutic

: op doktersvoorschrift : sur prescription médicale : veschreibungspfilchtig

zondag, januari 22, 2006

: image :: fotografiewedstrijd blindspot

TMF,het fotomagazine Digifoto en Canon organiseerde in november 2005 de fotografiewedstrijd ‘Blindspot’. Het aantal inzendingen - 360 - overtrof hun stoutste verwachtingen. Hieruit selecteerde de vakjury 12 fotografen en 30 beelden en kon er nadien via de TMF-website gestemd worden op de favoriete fotograaf. Na enig tromgeroffel werd de winnaar uitgeroepen!
Ik won deze wedstrijd met een foto van danseres Ammarylis Luyten. Meer over deze wedstrijd en m’n foto is te lezen in het laatste nummer van digifoto-magazine.

: artglue :: Loretta Lux

Loretta Lux (Dresden, 1969) werd opgeleid als schilder aan de kunstacademie in München en begon in 1999 met fotograferen. In 2005 won zij de prestigieuze Infinity Award van het International Centre of Photography in New York. De kunstenares bewandelt in haar werkwijze een weg tussen de schilderkunst en de fotografie in. Lux fotografeert in haar studio haar modellen in vintage kleding tegen een witte achtergrond, los van elke sociale setting, om de beelden later in de computer tegen een achtergrond te plaatsen die ze eerder fotografeerde.
Fotomuseum Den Haag : 11-02-2006 t/m 28-05-2006

woensdag, januari 11, 2006

: artglue :: Approximations/Contradictions by Ana Torfs

For Approximations/Contradictions, Torfs casted 21 performers of various origins4, most of them living in Belgium, to each sing one song from the Hollywood Songbook, a collection of 49 songs for piano and one voice by the German-Austrian composer Hanns Eisler, written in 1942-43 while he was in exile in California. The lyrics of the 21 pieces she chose to include, which concentrate on themes of war, exile, and Hollywood, were written by Eisler's frequent collaborator, Bertolt Brecht. Torfs asked the performers to make a list of the songs they most preferred to sing, then she assigned one song to each person in consultation with them.
She filmed the performers in close-up, framing them in a style consistent with a portrait: a bust with a little headroom, cropped mid-chest, with a white background. Her professional training as a filmmaker quickly becomes evident - the quality of the footage is impressive, with the camera's focus and the audio recording so precise that the subjects, as well as their voices, feel eerily present.

maandag, januari 09, 2006

: image :: shell-ed

: artglue :: quadriennale 06 düsseldorf

Profileringsdrang van het kunstzinnige Düsseldorf : tentoonstellingen met Bruce Nauman ( Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft), Berlinde de Bruyckere (Kunsthalle) en het zwaartepunt van dit alles, de eerste uitgave van een quadriënnale

: artglue :: Rize by David Lachapelle

Rize," a documentary directed by the fashion photographer David LaChapelle, begins with an unusual disclaimer: "The footage in this film has not been sped up in any way." The reason for such reassurance soon becomes clear. Twenty-four frames per second, the rate at which film traditionally moves through a camera seems too sluggish for Mr. LaChapelle's purpose, which is to record a form of dance that flourishes in some African-American neighborhoods in greater Los Angeles. (The New York Times)

dinsdag, januari 03, 2006

: image :: les nourritures de mes ombres

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maandag, januari 02, 2006

: artglue :: Bernard Faucon retrospectieve

L'œuvre photographique de Bernard Faucon né en 1950, a été réalisée entre 1976 et 1995.
Cette œuvre beaucoup exposée, reproduite, louée, collectionnée... reste paradoxalement mal connue, et sa place dans la création contemporaine est encore imprécise. Ceci est dû, autant à sa singularité - une oeuvre poétique, métaphysique très personnelle - qu'à la diversité des intérêts qu'elle a suscité : des milieux les plus orthodoxes de la photographie, aux avant-gardes plasticiennes, en passant par des romanciers, des metteurs en scène, des psychanalystes, des designers de mode Japonais...

: artglue :: Havana Biennial

The Havana Biennial was created as an alternative space for the promotion of contemporary visual arts from the countries of the so-called Developing World. The event first took place in 1984, after which the organisers envisaged the Biennial becoming a curator-led project, which did indeed happen in 1989. As the event developed political, cultural and international importance, so its organisation became more tricky, leading to the one-year postponement of the eighth edition.

Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam from 27 Mar until 26 Apr 2006

: artglue :: photo London

The most important event in the UK photographic calendar - Photo-London - returns to the capital this spring with a month-long programme of events across the city, culminating with Photo-London 05 at the Royal Academy (May – 18th 22nd).
Involving over 50 galleries and institutions from across London, the UK and around the world, Photo-London 05 will provide a platform for the best photography, film and video from the entire history of the medium - including pioneering work from Henry Fox Talbot and Roger Fenton to Julia Margaret Cameron, from Henri Cartier Bresson to David Bailey, from Man Ray to Martin Parr, and Diane Arbus to Don McCullin and William Eggleston.
web : photo-london

: eyebright :: Mansfield and Loren at Romanoff's in Beverly Hills by Joe Shere

: image :: oscar niemeyer - detail

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